Thursday, November 18, 2010

TAG: Perfect Imperfections

Dorky me got this from youtube bahaha
So this is a tag going around stating three things you dislike about yourself and three things you like about yourself. I feel like doing this because I know in years to come these things are soo going to change lol. I know myself I love and hate so many random things and I will change my mind constantly >.<. So here we go:D

#1.My dry skin. Especially right now during this type of weather. Ughghhg I feel like constantly splashing a bottle of water on my face lol And my cheeks get so red like I don't even need blush haha I benefit with my skin during the summer. But other than that bleh i hate it!

#2. My legs. During these past years I have kinda gained some weight like a lot lol. Yea yea I need to work on that but it's not like I'm huge...I think....idk i dont care to tell u the truth.. (i'll talk about that in my loves lol) But anywho even when I was super skinny (110 lbs to be exact) my legs have always been thick. Like idk I feel they're always flappy and like all my weight goes there ugh. One of my aunts like she has no fat in her legs at all grrr I wish I was her lol. 

#3 My hair? Lol I had to think about it. My hair well it looks ok when I actually try, but ugh I wish it was either super straight or super curly. Instead it's a afroish wavyish big mess. I wish I was one of those girls that could get out of the shower and put absolutely no product in her hair and still look fine. But NO I either have to put some spray gel to make it curly or flat iron it. Bleh 

#1. My Height Buahahaha I'm sorry to all the shorties out there. But I am really glad I'm tall :D I am 5'7" which I actually consider average if u ask me or maybe I'm wrong lol. Well I don't feel like a giant but I do like the fact that I'm taller than most girls but not as tall as most guys. And thanks to my "tallness" I don't look as huge as I am. If I were short I think I would look really huge!

#2 My curves Yup I love feeling like a real woman and having my latina curves ie. my hips. :D I love it I feel hot haha I know it's dumb but idk I have curves and I like them. And I thank God that he didn't make me a stick figure that I feel like a woman even though to tell ya'll the truth a lot of people think I'm a little girl trying to look like a 21 year old. When really I am 21!!! But that's another story lol But yup I love my curves. 

#3. My eyes. I just love my eye shape. They are not huge or anything but i guess the way I do my makeup people are always saying that I have big eyes which I dont think I do but whatevers lol. I have to say my eyes are always being complimented. I'm the type of person that can stay quiet but you look into my eyes and you can see what emotions I'm really feeling. I guess my eyes are how I express myself

So this is out of fun. I think it's fun to poke fun at ourselves sometimes. Feels kinds good seeing the cons then stating my pros. We are what God made us. And I think we should feel happy with ourselves. :) Beauty comes from inside. So let it shine through!

PS I tag all of you guys to do this:)


  1. This is cute!
    I saw the video tag but wasn't sure if I wanted to do it or not haha.
    My three pro's - My cheekbones, hair and being tiny!
    My three cons - Two of my teeth are shorter then the rest and I hate it!, My waist is really short since I'm only 5'2", and I have freckles, which I don't mind but in the summer they kill me and get super dark!


  2. omg I love this tag! I've seen it on youtube, totally helps people figure out what they love about themselves!
